Before we get to dissecting this video let me just say...
I would never use the words "illumined," or "enlightened," or "awake" to describe myself. I feel like at any given moment I can stumble across some new nugget of information that can shift my conscious mind into new synaptic patterns, which inevitably weighs into ideologies and philosophies; it does for everybody.
Ultimately that's the root of the Hegelian-esque two-party system the US has, and religious fundamentalism - based on the information you receive, you're more inclined to lean one way or the other on the political spectrum or depth of a religious doctrine.
So rather than using pretentious jargon to explain how I look at the world, I would just say that I seek the truth with my head and let my heart be my guide.
OK, now let's get to this video. It scared the shit out of me, and for all the wrong reasons.
This is the "debut short film" by Wiwek and Skrillex written and produced by industry vid-maker Jodeb. Basically it's a fifteen minute promo-video for Wiwek's new album, which will probably lead to a "Skrillwek Tour" of some kind.
Not being a big fan of electronic dance music I had never even heard of Wiwek. Skrillex has had immense commercial success, so I know a little bit about the dude already, but let's focus on the content of the video rather than the people behind it to keep our frame of reference focused.
This film is broken down into three parts, so we shall break it down accordingly.
Note: At this level of film-making every single shot, and every single angle has been thought about, story boarded, scripted, framed, shot, and produced. Everything has it's reason.
Act 1 Calvary:
This act on the outside can be summed up as follows: Life sucks. We're poor. There's nothing we can do about it. This is how it's always been. Let's steal and drink to make up for it. I heard about this paradise. We just have to break out of here. "Must be great to be whoever you want, no?" "Nobody judges you."
Part 1A Kat: Sees a dude eating her food, beats him to death(?), eats the food he had, emotionless.
Part 1B Wow: Gets a gun pulled on her and stuck in her face in a school shooter scenario.
Part 1C Champagne: Prostitution. Shame. More prostitution. Murder. Castration? I think she ripped his dick off...
Part 1D Book: Cross-dressing. Emotional Turmoil. Nervous Breakdown. Symbolic suicide.
Well those are all pretty straight forward, everyday issues most people deal with right? You might say, "Well it's in another country, there are people dealing with that stuff." Realize, though, that's not who this video is being made and marketed for. It's for Americans. More directly, Millennial Americans with little to no sense of disambiguation.
The music for this sequence goes like this, "you don't know my life, I get the party hype." Reassuring.
After all of these life-altering experiences, the group decides to head for the hills to join the "stupid fairy tale community" they were talking about earlier, where nobody judges you. Of course they begin their journey by stealing another poor person's boat and mocking him as they paddle away. Hey, anything for paradise right? Oh yeah, and nobody knows where Book is.
What is interesting about this first act is the fact that each of the characters faced death directly, this is vital to understanding the esoteric meanings of this video, and is something that we will come back to.
Act 2 Stop Me:
We open the second act with the girl who had promised paradise admitting that she didn't know if it actually still existed or not. She explains how she just wanted to help get them out of their "miserable life" with some adventure. She's told to "stop playing savior," then the other girl says to keep hope and keep paddling.
The three miserable girls are now lying in the boat, floating down the river. One says she's going to drink the water, another says not to because it would kill her, and she proclaims that she is already dead.
That follows with her drinking the water and saying how the "sky is so luminous," and how she "feels so close to the light." Now, if this series doesn't scream symbolic death, then there is nothing that will convince you that there is a deeper message being relayed here.
She goes on to say how she thinks they are drifting towards the sun. Well that kind of reminds me of some Pagan sun-worship kind of stuff.
The trio eventually drift off into sleep, or death, I guess that's left for the viewer to decide. Then their boat drifts straight into an inlet with shanty houses on the shore, what are the odds?
When they get off their boat, they are greeted by what can really only be described as demons. You can't tell if they are alive or not, they are painted in a strange white ash, and their bodies are gyrating about like they're being tasered.
The girls begin gesturing to the throats like they need food and water. They literally are doing the American Sign Language word for thirsty (this is the only part of the video that does not have subtitles). The "demons" descend in on them and begin dancing around in the most unsettling way you could ever think of moving, seriously... like they're possessed... seriously.
Oh and don't forget the seemingly random shots of the sun spliced in between the chaotic dancing; more allusion to sun worship.
Before we go any further I need to explain the thirst part, there is the exoteric explanation which is, of course, that they are thirsty. Then there is the esoteric explanation, which is a direct fuck you to Christ.
In the Book of John we are told about a meeting Jesus had with a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well.
Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
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Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
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The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?
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Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?
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Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
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But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
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The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.
Then here in this video we have people in dire thirst, and they only find demons...
Moving on. Next shot we get a nice bloody pig feast. Raw of course. In all of it's un-kosher glory. The girls proceed to devour it, while being told a story about how the "people" there also used to live in the city, but they "no longer have access to who they were."
The girls are then told they must participate in the Wysoccan Ceremony if they intend to stay with the tribe. So they drink the mixture from the cup in order to "face themselves" and forget about their past.
These ceremonies are used as rites of passage around the world, mostly throughout undeveloped tribal regions in the Americas (most people are familiar with ayahuasca). Their intent is to wipe your memory - veiled by the shamanistic rhetoric "cleanse your spirit" - and complete with the equivocal "rebirth."
End Act 2.
Act 3 Killa:
Act three's establishing shot is, well, the sun of course... getting the pattern?
Our anti-heroes appear bewildered and covered in the same white ash everybody else had on them. They are trapped in a cage, and clearly tripping balls. All the bad things from Act 1 flash rapidly on the screen, then the beat drops and the tribe-people start dancing their faces off again.
The dances are angry, full of rage, there are some martial arts moves thrown in, bursts of color, rain of lights flung from fists, fury.
Then calm.
The three have been transported somewhere else entirely,
but still the same inlet of river.
They begin a conversation questioning if they are "really here" or not. One feels like she's still on the river. She says, "I believe this prison may protect us from ourselves." Cue the montage of fun and good times at the beach, in the eerie red aura.
One of the girls says she thinks they could stay there. Another says, "Where else could we go, we're still in that cage remember?" Cut to cage, drop the beat, cue violent dancing, act 1 images spliced in, with a little more sun imagery.
Wrap it up with some floating ladies, and we got act 3.
Alright so all of that was... out there. Where? Exactly.
This whole act is a representation of these girls accessing their psychic abilities. You don't have to believe me, just hear me out.
Now, I am aware that the tribe who's ritual they are emulating with the Wysoccan ceremony in the video did literally put their young men into cages for their coming of age rites, so that's your exoteric.
This ritual was practiced by the Algonquin Indians, though. They populated the Great Lakes region and Atlantic Coast of Canada. So unless these girls' boat drifted all the way to North America, there's clearly something more to it. I mean, continuity right?
The cage is where we begin this act, and that is the easiest image to translate. It is the cube of Saturn. It's a symbol of the three dimensional world we live in, and the hidden fourth dimension. No matter what angle you look at the cube from you can only see three sides, but you know there is another side to it, even though you can never quite see it.
It is also a cage, or as one of the girls' refers to it, the prison. The prison for the mind.
This prison has been constructed through our various cultural "traditions." The cuffs that bind us to the walls of this prison have been clasped by numerous mechanisms: an overall failure of the public education system, the invocation of blasphemy or hieratic-ism for original thought, the breakdown of proper family structure, the mainstream media's promulgation of pure shit, and governments role in all of it. School, religion, family, entertainment, and government.
For the girl to say that the prison is for our own protection, is to take the elitist perspective, that we cannot control ourselves, therefore must be controlled.
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The cube is full of "sacred geometry." Connected to kabbalah, tree of life. (Layout of Washington DC Road System Near Capital) |
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Cube of Saturn on an extremely orthodox "Jew's" head. Also to "keep the word of God 'on their mind.'" |
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Cube of Saturn at Mecca |
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The Gnostic Cross A cube unfolded |
That's a basic description of the cube/prison. If you have not studied the cube of Saturn, it only takes a little bit of research to have some profound realizations. It's connected to Mithra, Lucifer, the Vatican, and oh so so much more. These images alone include the three major religions in the world, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The veritable rabbit's hole goes much deeper... and I guarantee you these guys understand this too.
OK, moving right along here. This is why this was way too much for Twitter.
After ingesting the hallucinogenic concoction, and being locked in the cage, the girls really had no choice other than to break free of their mental prison. They shed all their "inhibitions" and were able to "transcend," if it were.
This is not an uncommon phenomena when consuming psycho-active drugs. People talk of euphoria, of feeling one with nature and with each other, of unlocking psychic abilities like telekinesis and telepathy.
Here I could get into talking about the theory of the splicing of pre-human DNA to create us Homo Sapiens as a race of slaves. I like to deal with reality, though, and all that Nibiru, Annunaki stuff is likely all nonsense.
Don't get confused though, these drugs can cause these supernatural phenomena. Meanwhile, people on the drugs have little to no bodily function, or are jittery, biting their lips, scratching their skin off and sweating profusely.
I think the interplay between the scenes with the red aura, and the scenes inside the shanty-house are both states inside their minds. The red is a state of empathic communication with the rest of the tribe, and the shanty-house is the telepathic plane the three girls are sharing, all while inside of their cage, with no physical ability to control themselves.
All of the dancing and flailing and punching and kicking and flashes of light and shapes being thrown at us viewers I would see as their ego-archetypes battling their unconscious mind for control over the keys to the kingdom.
They fought it going into their dream-state, and they had to fight it coming out. At the end they are left suspended in the air, suspended in reality, suspended in belief.
What concerns me most about this video, short film, whatever, is that most people watching it will have no idea the message that is ultimately being sent here. If you want to write me off as a nut that's cool, but you would be denying a fat stack of facts to do as such.
Act one is all about the sin of the youth, how they really don't know any better, and will do anything as long as their bellies are satiated. Every one of the characters were either murdered (school teacher, cross-dresser - suicide is murder), or murdered somebody else (prostitute, emotionless mma girl).
After experiencing death, whether it was physically or metaphysically, the girls were all hanging out on the roof, but the boy who had symbolically committed suicide was not there, he hadn't been seen in a couple days.
What's funny, or really not so funny, is in the beginning of act two, the school teacher who had the gun pulled on her explains she doesn't know if the place they are looking for is real or not. Now, we are never shown what happened after that gun was stuck in her face, my assumption was that she was shot. Here, though, she is fine, alive, and paddling down the river a couple days later.
Did she come back from the dead? That's my guess. If so, it makes the comment by her friend on the boat that much more sinister, when she said, "Well you should stop trying to play savior and get real."
Act two was the journey down the river to the admission of death which is a prerequisite for rebirth, and at the same time denied Christ and proclaimed the sun as their idol of worship, aka Lucifer.
Act three is the all about the matter of reality, or reality of matter depending on how you want to look at it. It describes our existence in a nutshell, and purports the solution of the easy escape - that of psychedelics.
There are multiple problems with this message of transcendence through substance.
First is that it can lead to the denial of Christ. No matter what you believe, Christ implored people to do one thing, worship the God of all gods, not the gods. Whether or not you can accept that he walked the earth as a man or not, should have no bearing on the substance of his words. The expression throwing the baby out with the bath water comes to mind. To deny Christ, is to deny his words, and he is the word of God,
After throwing out the word of God, it is easy to accept any other answer to the nature of our reality, and that answer typically leads into humanism, or the worship of man as God, as well as many new-age religions like scientism and transhumanism. Of course, the worship of man as God, is not the worship of God, that's where Satan has it wrong. Satan only means anything that is antithetical to the word of God, not an actual man or demigod.
Lucifer, however, is a demigod, and he is subsequently worshipped as such by almost every single esoteric order/group/association/religion in the world that has ever been and ever will be, there is nothing new under the sun. These orders use the sun as a symbol of their lord, who is indeed Lucifer, the "light-bearer" of this world.
There are some who say the Catholic representation of Jesus Christ is one in the same with that of Lucifer, again that's just Satan's attempt to distract the people from the actual words, they get it so twisted. Please don't get caught in the concept of Satan as an actual entity, that's not what it is meant to mean.
Being the god of this earthly world, Lucifer will make you reliant on the material possessions, on the substances of this world, and the misery that accompanies it all when those vanities are not there.
When looked at in the context of this video, where the drug is the substance of this world and what gave them their salvation. What happens when the drugs run out? Without the drugs there is always withdrawal and cravings for more, especially if that's the only way you have found to reach true happiness and sense of belonging.
The underlying theme of this short film is the gotta-have-it-now mindset that pervades our society, and how it can affect us spiritually. There are problems with this world, major ones, but just checking out and running from them isn't going to solve anything.
Also, there are truly supernatural energies that course through the ether of our world, but they can be accessed naturally. It begs the question whether it is meant for us to consume these so-called illicit substances in order to access the other "planes of existence." Or if there is danger which lurks there that is meant to stay dormant, and that we may have already been warned about.
Jesus says in John 10:1: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber."
Either way, the day and age we live in is rampant with this kind of imagery and mockery, people are finally being able to come to grasp it all thanks to the internet reformation.
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Astral Planes of Heaven |
Now that we've broken down this short film, I'll tell you what scares the shit out of me, and this isn't the first video I've watched that left me with these thoughts... as the girl is left suspended at the end of the video, I will try to leave you suspended with some fundamental questions that are nagging at our "world community" as a whole.
With every advent of new technology, it makes the previous generations technologies seem like they were in the dark ages intellectually. The access to information always becomes faster, easier, and simpler to understand.
If you believe guys like finance-tech billionaire Ray Kurzweil, we should reach what he calls "singularity" by around 2040. This is something akin to the Matrix.
Kurzweil says that with the exponential growth of computing power we'll eventually have technologies the size of nano-particles that can reverse the effects of aging, cure diseases, and even give people the ability to download information to their consciousness through nano-computers circulating through the bloodstream and brain. Startling stuff from a guy who gets a lot of things right.
The argument for this idea of singularity relies on the theory that the exponential computing power of processors will eventually surpass the ability for human consciousness to be able to comprehend.
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Graphic from TIME Magazine |
So that brings us to a moral question that is scratching at the door of our society. That is, whether or not taking that next step is acceptable. Is taking another bite out of the apple going to go down any easier than it did the first time?
Are we really better off denouncing the word of God as a whole based on some mythological underpinnings that get people hung up on the divinity of Christ?
Should we just go it our own, and use the tools of this world to satisfy our emotional and pathological desires? Or are those desires more deeply connected to the spiritual realm than we've been led to believe?
The word of God tells us playing God will get us nothing but the Kingdom of Satan. The word of perceived reality says anything for the advancement of the species is acceptable. If that includes uploading consciousness into a computer to achieve eternal life, so be it. If that includes limiting the worlds population to five hundred-million, so be it. If that includes taking psychedelic substances to access the other-worldly dimensions in order to artificially cleanse the spirit, well so be it...
I guess I should try to sum this post up in one Tweet, since that's where it started. What do I think of this short film?
This was interesting. Not sure if the dude up stairs would approve of the message tho. #BornAgain unto #Lucifer Think yall got the wrong One
140 Characters exactly.
Hey, after saying all of this I have to add, you can still enjoy the sound that comes out your speakers, just be vigilant in the imagery you are being shown. It usually has multiple meanings. With that in mind, take a watch and listen with your eyes and ears both open.
Oh yeah one more thing! The cross-dresser, Book, he's the dude at the end of the clip saying "you guys don't recognize me?" He's outside of the cage, so he has already been reborn, that's where he went!
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