I am writing this article for my Grandmother. The sweetest person I have ever came across in my entire life, I am truly blessed to have an example of her caliber to strive to match.
She started a business from the ground up, it literally grew out of love. People always tell us to do what we are passionate about, and we will have success. It is more than passion, though. It is love.
If somebody asked you to describe love, what would you say? It is not anything you can describe accurately. It isn't fixed. It comes and goes. It doesn't speak at us, but it can speak to us. It can influence all of our thoughts and actions. It can heal. It is everything, but yet it is no-thing..
Love is a greater energy that moves through the Universe. Some people call it higher vibrational frequencies, some people say its chemically induced emotions, others call it Allah, and some call it God. One thing is for sure, whoever be your God, He/She/They/It does not want you fighting in His name.
People fight over gods, but all people worship God, and seek His LOVE.
My grandmother understood Love, and she harnessed it to it's greatest potential. So it is not sad, but disappointing to see her struggle with different things in her life. I know what she is capable of.
My grandma found love, compassion, and worth from Jesus Christ. Whether or not you believe Jesus Christ walked the earth as a flesh and blood man, or in spirit, the point of Jesus is to have a personal relationship with what we all call God.
I remember when I was really young, like five or six, going to church with her, but that has not been the case in any recent memory. It has been probably 20 years, but the love she found in Him has permeated through our family.
One of my grandma's daily struggles is dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is forced to take pharmaceuticals for the pain, and pharmaceuticals for the side effects. In the course of human history - whether you think Man has been on earth for billions of years or for thousands of years - that is NOT NORMAL!
So how does Rheumatoid Arthritis and Jesus Christ connect? Cannabis.
First, let's delve into what is commonly accepted, because it's what we're taught at our government schools. The medical side of arthritis. What are the causes and consequences?
Most people know that RA is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects joints. It can also affect skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels; it is really an immune system disorder.
From Mayo Clinic:
"Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system attacks the synovium — the lining of the membranes that surround your joints.
The resulting inflammation thickens the synovium, which can eventually destroy the cartilage and bone within the joint.
The tendons and ligaments that hold the joint together weaken and stretch. Gradually, the joint loses its shape and alignment.
Doctors don't know what starts this process, although a genetic component appears likely. While your genes don't actually cause rheumatoid arthritis, they can make you more susceptible to environmental factors — such as infection with certain viruses and bacteria — that may trigger the disease."
The only "alternative" treatments offered by the Mayo Clinic are fish oils, plant oils (the seeds of evening primrose, borage and black currant), and Tai Chi. These do serve beneficial purposes, but they seem to be intentionally leaving one treatment off the list.
Today's healthcare industry is wrought with corporate greed. Doctors receive kickbacks from drug companies for prescribing their brands. There's hundreds of prescriptions for RA alone; just look at this list, and these are not even all of the currently prescribed drugs:
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The main categories include NSAIDs, corticosteroids, Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and Biological Response Modifiers - which are usually used in conjunction with the DMARDs. |
Side effects may (and more than likely will) include: ringing in your ears, stomach irritation, heart problems, and liver and kidney damage. Thinning of bones, weight gain and diabetes. Liver damage, bone marrow suppression and severe lung infections. Not to mention the immeasurable mental side effects these concocted chemicals can cause; they don't like to mention those.
So let's get a little bit away from the mainstream, but not too far. We are beginning to understand, scientifically, that there is something to the "old wive's tales" of the beneficial qualities of cannabis, which was a common treatment for a variety of ailments prior to the Rockefeller Medicine movement.
The bogus excuses medical professionals have come up with as to why cannabis should not be used as a medicine is downright laughable at this point: Lack of data (not so much anymore), availability of other pain management therapies for arthritis (pharmaceuticals, physical therapy, lopping off or grafting bones, $$$), and the potential for harm — like addiction (Really...?).
There are countless University and double-blind placebo studies that have been done, and are being performed, in the US and Canada, focused on cannabis. A few have directed their attention specifically towards RA.
A study in the Journal, Rheumatology, has connected CB2 receptors with synovial activity. Remember, synovium contributes to destroying the cartilage between joints, and CB2's have been found to be present in synovium.
"CB2R is expressed by all immune cells, but its expression level varies among immune cell populations and activation states," the authors of the study concluded. "Recently CB2R has been identified molecularly and pharmacologically in numerous other cell types, including articular chondrocytes [cartilage cells], osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts [bone cells]."
CB2 receptors are one of two types of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body, which are a part of the endocannabinoid system. Some researchers have concluded that the role of the endocanabinoid system is to regulate homeostasis in the body.
CB1R's are responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis, and are triggered predominately by THC. CB2R's are responsible for many of the health benefits, which include reducing inflammation and regulating synovial activity - two major ailments of RA - and are triggered by CBD (Cannabidiol - one of 113 identified cannabinoids found in cannabis).
The great thing about modern cannabis cultivation is that farmers can now grow strains with virtually no THC and very high CBD, so patients can receive all the medicinal benefits without getting a head-change.
The government has finally relented to endless pressure, and has began stripping the red tape away from the medicinal cannabis research field. The more this "drug" is studied, the more miraculous it appears to be.
Even knowing the benefits of cannabis, my Grandma still fears it. For the baby-boomer generation marijuana was stigmatized to the brink of disappearing altogether. History can be lost in two generations.
Her fears, I think, stem from a moral view towards the plant. So this is where we start to venture away from conventional wisdom, only because it is not anything that we are taught in our government schools, but it doesn't make it any less true.
The word “Christ” comes from christos, a Greek word meaning “anointed.” It is the equivalent of the word mashiach, or Messiah, in Hebrew. So, to be the Christ, or Messiah, is to be “the anointed one of God.”
In ancient times religious clerics partook in anointing ceremonies, and drenched themselves in a Holy Anointing Oil. Many believe this was a part of the baptism process, and the reason for the water in the baptism was to rinse off the anointing oil.
God's land, in the Bible, just so happens to be the same land where cannabis landrace strains originated. Landrace strains are those that grow naturally and are adapted to the environment of a specific geographic region.
The recipe for the Holy Anointing Oil was provided in Exodus 30:23-24. It includes myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, olive oil, and one other ingredient. In Hebrew this ingredient is called "Kaneh Bosem." The "em" in Bosem is the equivalent of a plural, so it is multiple Kaneh Bos - Canna Bis.
This term is incorrectly translated in the King James Bible (perhaps on purpose); it has been translated into cassia, which is a cinnamon-like bark from an east-asian tree. Cinnamon has already been listed as an ingredient, so it is redundant to list it again. The ingredient is cannabis, not cassia.
Jesus took the Holy Anointing Oil from the depths of the church, and he began using it, along with His love, to heal.
“And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them” (Mark 6:13).
Jesus and his disciples cured the unfortunate of many ailments using this oil; including skin diseases (Matthew 8, 10, 11; Mark 1; Luke 5, 7, 17), eye problems (John 9:6-15), and menstrual problems (Luke 8:43-48).
After Jesus’ passing, James suggests that anyone of the Christian community who was sick should call to the elders to anoint them with oil in the name of Jesus (James 5:14).
There should not be a feeling of guilt when consuming or using cannabis-based products, whether you are smoking, injesting, or anointing. Jesus used it himself and on others. It is here for a reason, and it must not be lost in translation.
Cannabis frightens some people because it makes them introspective, and some people do not like what they have on the inside. But knowing your problems is the first step to understanding how to deal with them. This is where morals, the inner Spirit, and the guidance of God comes into play.
I think a big underlying question remains, is Cannabis, not bread, the actual body of Christ? Or did the bread have weed-butter on it? I do know one thing, Cannabis (especially CBD) can help my grandmother, and she should not feel guilt, or fear it.
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