Saturday, February 13, 2016

Syria Proxy-War

Looks like it is about to go down in Syria. Turkey says, "massive escalation" in the next 24 hours. Saudi Arabia, leading a coalition of 20 Arab nations, will send 350,000 troops to the Saudi border, for a so-called military exercise, dubbed, "Northern Thunder." This is HUGE.

Russian military advisors have been working directly with the Kurds in Northern Syria to take control of the border. On Tuesday Kurdish and Syrian forces, backed by Russian bombers, recaptured vital infrastructure in Aleppo, for easier control and access to the outlying border regions. 

That does not bode well for these "anti-assad" factions, as they receive almost all of their support from across the Turkey-Syrian border. This is also the main border that refugees are flooding across (more on them later).

These anti-assad factions just so happen to be the "moderate-rebel" organizations like Al Nusra, Martyrs of Syria, the Islamic Front, and possibly hundreds of other offshoots of Al Qaeda, all very much akin to ISIS. These groups are all remnants, or candleholders, of what we destroyed in Iraq and lost countless lives doing. You can kill a man, but not an ideology.

Isis literally cannot exist without the support it receives from other anti-assad factions.

What is truly depressing is the fact that Al Qaeda was a Red Herring, or a distraction, from our (much documented and well-known) real goals in Iraq.

Even more depressing is the fact that the CIA directly fundedarmed, and trained Al Qaeda in an attempt to over-throw the Saddam regime... exactly like they are doing now with these "moderate-rebels" and Assad. So if you're being honest, the CIA, whether directly or indirectly, created ISIS. There are no moderate-rebels. These rebels all have one goal in mind, the establishment of Sharia Law, in one form or the other.

They just happen to share a goal of the Western Coalition; got to oust Assad for control of the region.

What these ignorant rebels don't realize though, is as soon as the West is done with their services they will destroy them. Like flees...

That won't happen until Assad is out, though, these are essentially the foot-soldiers of the West for time being, and now Turkey and Saudi Arabia will be behind them with guns-blazing. With Russia, Syria, and Iran all fighting them directly on the ground and in the air.

Russia has seen enough of the establishment of Western hegemony. Putin stamped it out at his doorstep in Ukraine, and has now put his foot down in Syria.

What is extremely scary is if tensions get set off with China, anything could cause it (the world markets are going nuts). They've already started building those islands in the Pacific. They had that massive military parade this summer... they appear to be hedging their bets, it's very hard to tell where they would side, or if they would even take one.

Then you got North Korea puffing their chest with all their missile launches and reported Hydrogen bomb testing. You know what side they're on.

As much as Putin tries to play it down, the sanctions the West has applied since the annexation of Crimea has strained the Russian economy. Russian GDP growth:

There is no "civil war," as the corporate media arrogantly is calling it... It is a proxy-war, plain and simple, and if some of these other super powers start getting hands-on, this entire situation could explode over night. 

We have no business in any of it. Just because we took the shit that is putrifying in the middle east, doesn't mean we should keep sending our future over there to clean it up. We already have untold numbers of special forces in theater. 

Now about those refugees. 

There is about to be a worldwide humanitarian crisis, just you watch! Russia will close the border to Turkey, and these refugees are not going to be able to get out. There will be some that try, and I guarantee you will see it plastered on the corporate news. When Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and whoever else decides they want to start dropping bombs and launching missiles all at the same time, and these civilians cannot get out of the country or the cross-fire, there will be massive casualties.

When the moral-driven west sees these casualties, their immediate inclination will be to rush in to the rescue. That's the emotion we've been conditioned to respond with, through all kinds of media manipulation and social constructs such as organized youth sports. Affectionately, the American exceptionalism, and the oft-misguided hero-response.

Turkey has the refugee card to play to blackmail the European government. They have nearly 2 million refugees, and have threatened to release them into Europe. A threat that could force the EU's hand. 

We must understand, this has all been designed from day one.

The Lindsey Graham (Republican) bill to give the president absolute authority of where, when, and how long to use our troops is horrendously appalling. It would allow the president to circumvent congress, he would not need congressional apporval to send our extremely young men and women into combat. He technically has the power now, but this would also give him direct authority to put boots on the ground against Isis.

It is epecially appalling viewing the current state of the egregiously ambiguous "War on Terror." This bill is being fast tracked by Harry Reid (Democrat). Both sides of the "aisle" are all-too-eager to get this legislation through, that should give every person in America a sense of what's really going on behind the scenes.

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