Saturday, July 1, 2017

Solar Waste Harder To Dispose Of Than Nuclear Waste, So What??..

Kind of an interesting article here:

The article asks, "who in their right mind would prefer solar over nuclear?"

Well the author makes clear that if you're concerned only with efficiency of waste disposal then solar panels are not on par with nuclear.

But an added benefit of solar, that rarely gets talked about, is to give individuals the ability to control their own energy usage, bypassing the government created monopoly that is the energy industry.

As a consumer I don't care how hard it is to dispose of something; that could even lead to more business opportunities for companies to specialize in disposal/rafab/refurb of solar.

The nuclear option is ultimately an excuse for government spending and control of the energy market, along with the heavy water byproduct needed for building nukes.

Solar may not be the best for disposal of waste, but if everybody in the city put solar panels on their roofs and businesses, it would give power to the people, pun intended.